Valarie Kerby

Tom- Fairview, TX

One Fantastic Realtor

I have now found my dream home thanks to Valarie Kerby. As fast as houses were selling at the time I was in the market, I just couldn’t find the immediate fit. Valarie knew exactly what houses to present as soon as they came on market. I was very particular and she knew what I was wanting and stayed persistent and encouraged me not to settle, just in order to get a house. She knew a wanted a home, not a house.
Valarie was persistence and patient with me. I had the luxury of not needing to rush. The miracle house became available. Valarie was very instrumental in negotiating the details needed. I was fortunate to have Valarie’s experience and guidance.

All went smooth and I certainly feel you can trust Valarie to find your next home, or should I say castle.